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Fork this website onto your own
To set up your site and learn how to start curating posts, check out https://croptop.eth and download the miniapp.
To let people pay you when minting your posts, you'll need to make an onchain collection below.
Croptop websites connect to blockchains for easy minting while giving creators pro tools to manage their money with their community. Your collection's info can be viewed by anyone, and its onchain money rules can only be adjusted by the admin of the collection.
Below, you can create a collection. When deploying, make sure the current website you're on is, or another croptop website you trust.
Create a collection
Name and symbol are permanent.
Collection name
Collection Ticker
The admin you set can distribute revenues and change the collection's money rules at any time.
The price and total supply of each item in your collection are set by its first minter. Anyone can mint any content from anywhere to your collection, so long as the following restrictions that you set are met.
Minimum price
Min total supply
Max total supply
Addresses allowed to mint (one per line)
You can give minters access to the collection's revenues alongside the admin, with preference to those who mint sooner and stick around longer.
Share revenue with minters
If you want to encourage earlier participation, add a bonus for those minting sooner rather than later. Everyone who participates within the same bonus window will have the same access to the collection's revenues.
Earlier minter bonus rate
If you want to reward longer term participation from everyone including the admin, add a tax when accessing the collection's revenues sooner rather than later. The tax rate is derived from a tunable intensity value between 0 and 1, where 0 means no tax and 1 is a aggressive tax that makes it very expensive to access the revenue. The tax benefits those who are not exiting equally.
Coarsely: 0 - none. 0.3 - some. 0.7 - more. 1 - lots.
Earlier exit tax intensity
As mints and contributions are made to the collection, access to revenue is tracked and distributed using a token. If you'd like, you can premint some tokens to the admin for preferencial access to revenue.
Tokens made on day 1 per unit of revenue received
Tokens to premint
Some values you just set can evolve over time in stages. If you'd like to schedule a second stage with a new revenue share percent, minter bonus rate, or exit tax, specify the amount of time that these first rules above should last for.
Duration (days)
Add a second stage.
Share revenue with minters
Earlier minter bonus rate
% every
Earlier exit tax intensity
Tokens made on day 1 per unit of revenue received
Duration (days)
Add a third and final stage.
Share revenue with minters
Earlier minter bonus rate
% every
Stage 3 | Earlier exit tax intensity
Tokens made on day 1 per unit of revenue received
Let Croptop post to your existing collection
Give the Croptop contract permission to mint to your existing collection.
Collection ID
Set how Croptop posts to your existing collection
Add new restrictions that mints to your existing collection must meet.
Collection ID
The price and total supply of each item in your collection are set by the first minter. Anyone can mint any content from anywhere to your collection, so long as the following restrictions that you set are met.
Minimum price
Min total supply
Max total supply
Addresses allowed to mint (one per line)
Category on your collection for which the above restrictions apply
Collection ID
Collection category
Set the address that will get the copies you are paying for.
Mint count
An added 5% is sent to the Croptop Publishing Network in exchange for $CPN to this site's author.
Change who gets the $CPN
Mint a first copy.
As the first minter, you're in control. Set the price, how many editions of this post will be made available for collecting, and the address that will be sent its first copies that you are paying for.
Total supply
Mint count
An added 5% is sent to the Croptop Publishing Network in exchange for $CPN to this site's author.
Change who gets the $CPN